Opening Hours
At this point we would like to take this opportunity to remind you of our new opening hours (effective 1 March 2024), during which we're there for you.
Monday to Friday: 11:00-18:30
Saturday: 11:00-17:00
Monday to Friday: 11:00-18:30
Saturday: 11:00-17:00
Our store is currently closed on the following national holidays
Please note that in 2023, the store will be closed on both Christmas Eve, as well as New Year's Eve, as both days are Sundays.
- New Year's Day (1 January)
- Good Friday
- Easter Sunday & Monday
- Labour Day (1 May)
- Reunification Day (3 October)
- Christmas Day (25 December)
- Christmas Day (26 December)
Please note that in 2023, the store will be closed on both Christmas Eve, as well as New Year's Eve, as both days are Sundays.